STORMS: What to do before, during, & after

STORMS: What to do before, during, & after

To prepare for a severe storm in Australia, you should:

  1. Develop a severe storm emergency plan and discuss it with your family.

  2. Make sure your home is adequately prepared for a severe storm, including securing loose objects and outdoor furniture, unplugging electrical appliances, and installing storm shutters or other protective measures on windows and doors.

  3. Keep an emergency supply kit on hand, including items such as water, non-perishable food, a first aid kit, a battery-powered radio, and any medications you may need.

  4. Stay informed about the latest severe storm warnings and alerts in your area, and monitor local news sources and social media for updates.

During a severe storm, you should:

  1. If you have time, follow your severe storm emergency plan and evacuate to a safer location.

  2. If you are unable to evacuate, shelter in a small, interior room on the lowest floor of your home, away from windows and doors.

  3. Avoid contact with electrical equipment and water, and stay away from windows and doors.

  4. Stay tuned to local news sources and follow any instructions given by authorities.

After a severe storm, you should:

  1. Listen to authorities for information and instructions on returning to your home.

  2. Be cautious when re-entering your home, as it may be damaged or unstable.

  3. Avoid drinking tap water if it has been contaminated by the storm, and follow any boil water notices.

  4. Check on your neighbors and offer assistance if needed.

  5. Seek medical attention if you have been injured or are experiencing symptoms of illness.

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